robert greene

Robert Greene is an American author known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. He has written several international bestsellers, including "The 48 Laws of Power" and "The Art of Seduction

the 48 laws of power

rich dad and poor dad

By internalizing the lessons from "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and applying them to your financial habits and decision-making processes, you may experience a positive transformation in your approach to money, wealth creation, andfinancial independence.


the power of now

reading "The Power of Now" can inspire you to live a more mindful, authentic, and fulfilling life by guiding you towards greater self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual growth. The book's teachings offer a transformative path to living with presence, purpose, and gratitude.


the art of seduction

Reading "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene can offer insights into the dynamics of social interactions, persuasion, and personal relationships. While the book is often associated with romantic seduction, its principles can be applied more broadly to various aspects of life.

  • think rich grow rich

    it shows that some people are waiting for the perfect moment waiting for the perfect business model but the reality is there is no perfect time

    - Iman gadzhi

  • the 48 laws of power

    the 48 laws of power it teaches laws of human nature actually it roots to all history

    -Iman gadzhi

  • atomic habits

    you are the sum of all your habits so to change yourself you need to change your habits

    -Iman gadzhi

about us

Our goal is to people who is lose with money,psychology and self improvement read our books that we offer to help them and make them better , we had profesionals to read the best 8 books for self improvement and we created this store with a dream to help people to be the best.